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Now Hiring!

We're looking for a new staff member or two whose primary responsibility would be reading and reviewing fics for our Pick of the Week feature and/or writing quick rec blog posts. Our Pick of the Week submission list is growing steadily longer (we're thrilled about that, don't get me wrong!) but it's hard for us to keep up.

Tell us a bit about yourself - is there anything you won't read? Do you have a favorite pairing? Do you only read AH? Only canon? Do you have time restrictions or all the time in the world?

@ us on Twitter, shoot us an email, or leave a comment here if you're interested.

Finally, please don't be intimidated. None of us are professionals, and writing real reviews can be intimidating and scary. Even when a review is posted by an individual TFDB staff member, it's always a group effort. We're a little family over here at the database, so we all work together and we'd love to have you join us!


I'd love to be a part of your team. I pretty much eat, breathe and live for fanfics nowadays. I am a 26yr old female, living in the southeast and recovering from a wreck. My time is wide open, I read from sun uo to sun down but the only exception is Sundays..that's my day to rest. ;) I ficpush locally on FB and different forums that my hoorness frequent. Yes and I am not afraid to admit that I am a fanfic hoor. I love to be challenged and enjoy all genres but Slash! Pick me or not, but whoever you do pick will do a faboulous job! Thanks for considering me.
Danielle aka Dee on FB

Oh hai. I humbly offer my services to read/review fics. I'm an avid reader and reviewer and love sharing and pimping out worthy fic. Twi fic has pretty much consumed my life. I do it all except write (I've tried but didn't get anywhere). I get most of my recs through word of mouth so if I can pay it forward, I will. It's my way of being more involved in this fandom/community. I blog, podcast, and maintain my own fic rec site but it'd be nice to collaborate with others. I tend to read more AH than AU but there's not a whole lot I won't read. Nessy (as a main character), Bella/Jacob, and wolf-pack-characters-as-main-characters, are kinda hard limits for me. I'm not a cannon fiend, though I do appreciate a good HEA E/B. E/J, B/J, etc are great to read as well. It's all about character development and plot. You can get a feel for what I like/tend to recommend by checking out my profile: SharonMacross. Thanks, and have a great week. -Deb

Hello All....

I am sorry(but also very happy) to say that when we ran the tweet and post last week we got a great response...

We have added our permanent staffers that were needed, however...You could ALWAYS review for us.
You can review any fic you'd like under Fan Favorites.
For more information and the form please go here:

Thanks sooo much!!

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Thank You for taking the time to tell us what you think...we couldn't do any of this without your support...

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