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Outside the Bubble by OvertlyConcealed

This little fic is especially close to my heart since I am one of the lucky betas for the author. But before I was a beta for OvertlyConcealed, I was just a really enthusiastic reader.

OvertlyConcealed has created a completely obsessive-compulsive, anal-retentive, paranoid Edward that is so easy to love. One minute you're laughing at his fears (sea creatures, elevators, swans, new people) and the next you're "awwww"-ing your brains out because he's honestly just so lost.

Edward is ridiculously attracted to his new coworker Jasper, but he gets so anxious around Jasper that he can't manage to get coherent sentences out. His first try is "Good you later, Mr. Whitlock!"

The attraction is mutual, naturally, but the two are just completely unable to communicate. It's hilarious and and heart-breaking, and just so lovable!

As Levar Burton would say, don't take my word for it, go read Outside the Bubble by OvertlyConcealed for yourself and, as always, tell me what you think!


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