Mystery writer Edward Cullen stumbles upon a mystery greater than the ones he writes: Isabella Swan. Life happens as he unravels the mystery. AU/AH. Canon couples. Rated M.
The Mystery of You isn’t your typical romance story. Not many romances feature a woman who seemingly has no past. Or a man so content with isolation and wrapped in the stories he writes that it takes this enigmatic woman barging into his life to make him wake up. When she does enter his life, it’s with a major impact.
She finally looked up and I found myself getting lost in the endlessness of her eyes. My usual way with words escaped me once again and I had no idea what to say to her. My feet carried me the last few steps towards Marie so that we were almost touching.
A wide range of emotions swam in her eyes like they had inside the bar, and I could only decipher a few. There was fear and confusion. I backed away. Determination replaced everything else in her eyes and two seconds later, her right hand was behind my neck, pulling my head down until her lips crashed against mine.
As I’m sure everyone will guess, “Marie” is actually Bella Swan. “Marie” is only able to keep her identity secret for a few chapters. When Edward finds her beaten and unconscious on the side of the road one night, he takes her home with him where they finally talk, albeit briefly. She’s running from something, scared of sharing her secrets with a family and man that take her into their fold. We’re still not sure what those secrets are, but each chapter unravels a new hint of what she’s hiding from. Along the way, we watch Edward and Bella’s relationship grow as they bond over a common love: books. DivineInspiration does a wonderful job of showing this close friendship turn to romance as Edward and Bella find strength and happiness in each other and their common love of literature.
There’s some serious unresolved sexual tension between Edward and Bella, but it is clear that it’s just not time for them to rush to the finish line.
The kiss was a lot chaster than the one we had shared outside the bar a month ago, but it was just as intense because of what had happened since. I was so fucking lost in the girl that it took me a few seconds to even realize that she was pulling away.
She looked down a second after our eyes met. "I… I'm sorry, Edward. I can't… I can't do this. I can't be that to you."
"Be what?" I asked, my brain still trying to catch up on what was happening.
Her lower lip trembled, and she bit down on it as she looked pleadingly at me. My heart clenched, and I took her hand in mine which she surprisingly didn't fight. "I can barely even be a friend to you," she whispered. "I'm too broken. I've got too many secrets, and I'm hiding too much of myself to have anything to offer you."
"Bella…" I sighed sadly, pulling her into my arms. She fought the embrace, but I held her until she relaxed. Because I knew my girl pretty well by now, and even though she fought it at first, she craved the hug as much as I did. I had a feeling she was pretty starved for human touch.
"We've all got secrets, beautiful, just as we're all a little bit broken inside by something," I told her softly, not letting her go. "In my opinion, you've got plenty to offer, and I'll be here until you realize that, too. But I promise you that I won't push you."
The Mystery of You is currently at 23 chapters, and what powerful chapters they are! Even the titles draw you in, anxious to read the updates. The backdrop is a quaint, little town that makes you dream of vacationing among all the beautiful scenery. The whole Cullen clan is included, as friends and family. They all work together through the difficult times and rejoice during the happy moments. DivineInspiration has made each character an individual; realistically flawed but still amazing. The Mystery of You is a true tale of friendship, love, and family with a wonderful mystery hidden inside. I urge you to go read it right away. Trust me; it’s fantastic.
Author’s Interview:
What gave you the idea for this story?
The original idea was Edward’s secluded house at the ocean. It’s roughly based on a house in a small coastal town where I have spent a lot of vacations. It’s a place I go to get away from everything, get some inspiration, recharge my batteries, and write without distractions. So making Edward a writer was a natural choice. The idea grew from there.
Are their any FF authors that inspire you?
Yes, a lot-too many to mention really, because this fandom is filled with amazing authors. If I were to pick some out, I’d say nowforruin for the way she tells a story by cutting to the bone and leaving out all that isn’t necessary. I really admire that, and I try to be as good as it as she is. Shelikesthesound is another who sticks out in my mind because she inspires me to be brave in what I write. She’s also the best writing partner in the world, and we just clicked immediately in our writing.
What was your main inspiration for your lead characters?
Above all I wanted flawed characters, and I think I managed to give them all their own individual flaws. I wanted to show what it can be like to be a writer, what fear can do to a person, and also explore the relationship between love and trust.
What do you think it takes to make a fic special and stand out to a reader?
As a reader you are spoiled in this fandom because of all the amazing stories, so writing something that sticks in the mind of the reader isn’t easy. For me as a reader, a story needs to have a good plot, some good twists, and be told the right way. It also needs to be without the obvious clichés and too many blunders. A story that stands out to me is most of all a story with a certain degree of originality.
What do you find the hardest about writing this story?
I wrote out the whole story before I started posting it. I didn’t start working with betas and pre-readers until it was complete, and I think writing it without any input was the hardest part.
Why do you think people should read this story?
I think people should read it if they want to meet a charming, but flawed Edward who above all just wants to make his mysterious girl smile. The characters are flawed like people out in the real world, and I think that’s the story’s biggest strength. There are some laughs hidden in the story as well, and if I hadn’t written it, it would be one I’d read a lazy Sunday afternoon with a cup of tea.
What cliches do you feel authors should avoid while writing fanfic?
Too many mushroom raviolis, too many shopaholic-Alice’s, and too many perfect Doctor Edward’s have begun to bore me.
Do your RL friends and family know about your love and obsession with all things Twilight?
Some do. And they don’t bat an eyelid because they’re used to me being fascinated by the strangest things.
Have you got any other projects going on? Any planned for the future?
Plenty! I have a story ready to be posted when The Mystery of You ends. It’s called Whisper In My Ear and features a dirty talking Edward who has family issues. Enter Bella and it becomes a real circus. I’ve also just started writing a new story in which Edward is a very traumatized man with a lot to deal with. That one is called Broken Soul River. In addition to that (yes, I know!) I am also busy writing two collaborations with some brilliantly talented writers. One is about ex-army Edward, and the other one is about High School Stutterward.
Do you have anyone that you'd like to thank for helping and supporting you through this fic?
The Mystery of You would be a real mess without my amazing betas, Dinx and nowforruin. They make me a better writer. Lisamichelle17, sherryola, and CitizenCullen25 have also been great supporters right from the beginning. I am eternally grateful to them all.
When you aren't writing which fics are you reading right now?
I am a really fail reader at the moment because I write so many stories at the same time, but I do rush to my inbox every time “Forever is a Promise You Keep” by shelikesthesound, “Roman Candle” by nowforruin, “Always Leads Back to You” by Dinx, and “Sweet Treats and Deadbeats” by CitizenCullen25 update. There are others, but those are the ones that stand out in my mind.
How where you introduced to the fandom? Do you remember which FanFic was your first to read?
I was persuaded by a friend to read Twilight, and after I had finished all four books, I turned to fanfiction. I already knew it existed because I was involved in another fandom years ago. The first story I read was “If Every Word I Said Could Make You Laugh” by carmelinagunn, and just thinking about it makes me smile.
Is there any information that you would like to share that was not already covered?
Just thank you to everyone who reads Mysteryward. Readers make writers smile.
Thank you for reading!
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